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Détective privé en France

The key to your legal success:
indisputable evidence.

To defend your interests, contact our firm.

Specialist firm


The Grenat Investigations Agency is an investigation firm specializing in intelligence and the search for evidence, approved by the CNAPS (National Council for Private Security Activities), a public establishment under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. The liberal profession of Private Investigation Agent, more commonly known as “Private Detective”, is legal and regulated.


We intervene 7 days a week, 24 hours a day with individuals, professionals, but also communities needing to provide legal proof to defend their interests in court or simply wishing to remove doubt about a situation.

The AGI firm also collaborates with legal professionals such as:

  • lawyers (Certificate 202, Order on motion, Family law, Commercial law, Real estate law, Labor law, etc.);

  • the justice commissioners (Report, Address search and identification, Solvency investigation);

  • notaries (family, genetic or inheritance genealogy).


our year of creation


agencies in France


professional partners

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Sky city

Why hire a private detective?

The Private Research Agent allows you to discover the truth about a situation and provide you with the evidence and information necessary to defend your interests within a legal framework.

It is important to remember that the profession of private investigator is legal and recognized . The profession has constantly evolved in recent years, notably thanks to the law of March 18, 2003. The private detective, a specialist in the search for evidence and information, is bound by professional secrecy and respect for a code of ethics which therefore obliges him to carry out legitimate, legal and legally recognized investigations.

The missions of a private detective are divided into two categories:

  • Gathering information : Providing evidence to the principal and not in court.

  • The administration of proof : Observation of elements which will constitute proof in the procedure.

A private investigator can accept or refuse a mission without being obliged to justify himself. At the end of his investigations, he draws up a detailed and detailed investigation report, admissible in court, before all courts and jurisdictions as constituting evidence.

In addition to his role in the administration of evidence, the private detective also has a role of advice and assistance to his principal. However, he is only subject to an obligation of means and not of result, in the execution of his mission.

Notre métier

Nos domaines d’intervention



More and more individuals are calling on the services of a private investigator, wishing to compile a file of admissible evidence in court.

Indeed, the detective is a specialist in intelligence and the search for evidence, which is why there is no better way to collect all kinds of information within a legal framework and with maximum discretion .

The possibilities of action of the Grenat Investigations Agency are very vast and diversified on behalf of individuals. We deploy our skills in the field, but also on the Internet, where we are able to obtain reliable information.



The Grenat Investigations Agency works with communities and the public sector by carrying out surveillance, surveillance or administrative investigations in order to defend their general interests.

Independently of internal problems concerning public sector agents (abusive sick leave, failure to fulfill their professional obligations, absenteeism, etc.) other damage can affect communities such as: damage , nuisance , illegal dumping , etc.



Companies wishing to protect their interests and obtain evidence may need to request the services of a private investigator.

Indeed, these companies may need to gather concrete and irrefutable evidence for cases of fraud, scam, unfair competition, etc.

The Grenat Investigations Agency is approved and authorized to intervene completely legally in all types of legitimate and fair investigations linked in particular to commercial law.


Legal professionals

Our firm collaborates with legal professionals to help them defend the interests of their clients before the competent courts.

Namely that the secrecy shared between the investigator and legal professionals (lawyer, notary, justice commissioner) is recognized in an opinion from the National Security Ethics Commission (CNDS) dated September 21, 2009.

The Private Investigation Agent is therefore likely to share, prior to the investigation, elements with the lawyer who has mandated him on behalf of his client, to whom he will report the information resulting from his investigations.

réunion d'affaires

Our process

L'Agence Grenat Investigations vous explique tout concernant notre collaboration :

Making contact

This first contact, whether physical or telephone, offers the opportunity to explain your situation. We will take the time to listen to you carefully in order to identify your needs and study the feasibility (legality and legitimacy) of your request.

After a complete analysis, we send you an intervention proposal (operational strategy and means implemented) adapted to your situation and your budget . A free estimate will always be sent to you at the end of the appointment.

Mandate contract

After acceptance of our proposal, we will sign together the mandate contract allowing us to initiate the investigation to defend your interests. The mission devolved and the legal framework of this mission are specified in this mandate.

When signing the mandate, we may ask you for certain essential documents (in particular, proof of the legal relationship ) as well as a 50% deposit.

Execution of the mission

By mutual agreement, we either keep you informed of the progress of the mission in real time, or we provide you with an update after each day of interventions. Based on the information collected, the initial strategy may evolve or be completely modified in order to optimize our interventions.

Like the majority of liberal professions, we have an obligation of means and not of results. This is why none of our actions to obtain information are carried out in an illegal or unfair manner. Furthermore, these methods of obtaining it would make the investigation report inadmissible in court.

Submission of the investigation report

At the end of the investigations, a detailed and detailed investigation report, bringing together legal evidence, is given to you. This report is admissible in court in view of the case law which considers it to be a procedural document since the Torino judgment of November 7, 1962.

The invoice for the balance of the survey will be sent to you at the same time. In addition, our reports are written in compliance with case law which specifies: "that the author of the report must be identifiable, that the offering of proof is legal and lawful, that the testimonies are precise, detailed and circumstantial and that “no animosity towards one of the parties emerges” Cass. Civ.2, November 7, 1962, n°1020.

Nos valeurs & Nos engagements

Licensed professionals

Actual value

Availability 24/24, 7/7

Optimal service

Legal Impact

Report admissible in court

Professional secret

Total confidentiality


Priority during our investigations


Legal and legitimate approach

Our partners

Collaboration. Skill. Professionalism.


25 Rue Lenepveu,
49100 Angers

1 Place de la Chapelle,
64600 Anglet


06 21 27 49 89


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